Business Class Passengers Mock Poor Old Lady, at the End of the Flight Pilot Addresses Her – Story of the Day

May be an image of 6 people, aircraft and text

Stella finally made it to her business class seat, but Franklin Delaney refused to sit next to her, claiming she belonged in economy. The flight attendant insisted, “This is her seat,” and Stella remained, despite other passengers’ agreement with Franklin.

After the plane took off, Stella dropped her purse, and Franklin noticed her ruby locket. “This is something else. Those are definitely real rubies,” he remarked. Stella explained its sentimental value: “My father gave it to my mother during World War II as a promise he would return. He never did.”

Franklin apologized for his behavior, and Stella shared, “I’m on this flight because my son, whom I gave up for adoption, is the pilot. Today is his birthday, and I wanted to spend at least one of his birthdays with him.”

As the flight neared its end, the pilot announced, “I want everyone to welcome my birth mother, who’s flying on my route for the first time. Hey, Mom. Wait for me once the plane lands.” Stella’s eyes watered. When John landed, he exited the cockpit and hugged Stella fiercely, with passengers cheering for them.

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