People Share 35 Parenting “Trends” They Strongly Disagree With

Raising tiny humans is hard, there’s no doubt about it. My utmost respect goes to the loving parents and dedicated educators out there who are helping to mold a brighter, better future for us all.

But putting all the accolades aside, parenting in itself is one hell of a strategic set of moves where small steps go a long way. And there are so many tactics from ‘how to’ and ‘what not to do’ when raising kids that they inevitably stir some debate. I mean, some parenting trends are really controversial—just think of family TikTok accounts. Some say it’s an awesome way to communicate and spread the message, others think it may promote negative experiences often tied with social media.

So who’s right? We may not exactly know, but we can find out what common parenting trends people see as nonsense. “What parenting ‘trend’ do you strongly disagree with?” asked a Redditor called Qquackie and the answers started pouring in. Below are some of the most interesting ones!



People Share 35 Parenting "Trends" They Strongly Disagree With

Not vaccinating your child.

It seems like there are as many parenting tactics as there are parents. This year, we see new trends emerging, from mindful usage of the internet to parents getting support from online groups, and gender-neutral parenting. The last trend is especially liked for millennial parents who are no longer willing to fit their children in society’s predefined boxes but want to allow them to experiment, experience and express themselves.

Other new trends include “baby budgeting,” with parents of newborns getting a whole more money-savvy. Baby budget calculators and charity shops are on the rise as parents seem to have finally realized you don’t need to spend a fortune on shoes every other month as your child is growing.


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